Colorado Springs Affiliate
of the Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation Home The Promise About Us Sponsorships Honorary Chairs Grants Program Race for the Cure Special Events Grants Program Grant applications now being accepted for Breast Health and/or Breast Cancer Education, Treatment Support, or Screening Projects Application deadline is Tuesday, September 7, 2004 Download Application Guidelines Download Application 2004 Grantees Get Adobe Reader The mission of the Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation is to eradicate breast cancer as a life-threatening disease by advancing research, education, screening, and treatment. Affiliates of the Komen Foundation represent one of the nation�s largest private funding sources for breast health and breast cancer screening, education, and treatment support programs. The Colorado Springs Affiliate of the Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation, Inc. is currently offering grants for innovative projects in the areas of breast health and/or breast cancer education/outreach, screening, or treatment support projects targeting services not otherwise available in El Paso, Pueblo and Teller counties. Grants are available for up to one year. Maximum award is $100,000. Most grants are in the range of $5,000 - $35,000. Statement of Need: Funding priority will be given to projects that specifically address the following needs: Programs that improve access to breast cancer education and screening to low income, medically underserved women in El Paso, Pueblo, and Teller Counties. Programs that provide culturally appropriate outreach to Hispanic women over 50 who have never received breast cancer screening services. Programs that provide culturally appropriate outreach to African-American and Asian-American women. Programs to increase awareness about breast cancer screening among women over 65. Programs that provide treatment support to women with breast cancer including emotional/psychosocial/transportation/and financial assistance. Programs that provide professional development for health care providers to educate younger women about breast health, disease prevention strategies, and healthy lifestyle choices. Funding priority will be given to those projects that show clear plans for collaborating with existing services in the community and for documenting the impact it will have on the program.